Saturday, July 3, 2010

Have brush...will travel...

Sorry I haven't updated this thing for awhile but here we go...I finally got my shop truck striped and my buddy Matt or "Mark" as he will be known in the striping world from now on did some awesome lettering on it at the Rat Fink Reunion! Check out his stuff at is really great (and Josh ain't too bad either) ;)
I also painted another guitar for my rockstar buddy Jared...I am still waiting for my name to appear in your cd credits!!!
And I finally got the trophy pistons striped for the Keep On Rollin show...I really hope everyone that can make this show will come. It's at Brighton Resort on July 17 and it is gonna be AWESOME!!! Hey, you have a chance to win one of these finely striped trophies plus some of us stripers have done some pretty neat stuff for the charity raffle!


  1. Talent, talent, talent! Hadn't seen the guitar finished, love the way you outline/painted the shape. Really eye-poppin'!
